A Shocking End
I have previously argued that the most plausible (or more accurately least implausible ) way that Maddie may have died is an Anaphylactic shock probably triggered by the administration of a sedative by Kate and followed by an attempt at CPR resuscitation likely by Gerry.
This theory was originally outlined (as far as I am aware) by xx in the following blog.
First I think it's worth briefly recapping why a death in the apartment followed by the hiding of the body is by far the most likely scenario.
To my mind there are three main clues pointing towards a death in the apartment as well as a host of others that I think are best scene as circumstantial clues.
The three most important clues are:
1 The Dogs The signalling by the dogs in both the apartment, on items in their new flat (especially CuddleCat) and in the hire car. These as is well known revealed a number of samples of DNA from human bodily fluids which were then examined by the FSS in Birmingham, yielding what was characterised as "inconclusive" results
2 The Open Window
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