A Tale of Two Buttons

IT was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness....

OK forgive the Dickensian melodrama but it is sometimes the merest casual observation that provides the most powerful clues to unravelling a case.

I think such might be the case with Gerry's infamous light beige trousers with buttons down the side. Gerry McCann thoughtfully provided us with a photo documenting his penchant for such trousers on his own blog - since deleted but maintained for posterity by various McCann skeptics. The trousers too beat a hasty retreat when it emerged that Aoife Smith, Mr Smith's granddaughter had an exceptional eye for such sartorial detail.

I am currently on my hols myself. Plenty of guys wandering round in beige pants of course but try as I might I have yet to see a single pair with buttons down the side. This is an UNUSUAL style. In itself this would not be enough to identify Gerry for certain of course but if we combine this long shot - say 1/50 with all the other issues - that her Dad said he's 60-80per cent confident it was Gerry, that the man was carrying a little blonde girl, that the McCanns had zero interest in publicising what is obviously the biggest lead on the case, that there is no clear testimony from any I dependent witness as to where Gerry was at this time, that no random stranger has come forward and said hey it's me, that Smithman would not answer Mrs Smiths friendly enquiry "is she asleep?" obviously Gerry had to keep silent to conceal his Glasgow accent, the open door question and the evidence from Eddie and Keela and the forensics. If you put all this together I would estimate the probability that Smithman is Gerry McCann as in excess of 99.5per cent.

The really interesting question is not really who Smithman was but who was he carrying?


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