Once is Happenstance....


According to Ian Fleming's Auric Goldfinger, "Once is Happenstance, Twice is Coincidence, The Third Time it's Enemy Action."

The McCann case is notorious for its breathtaking coincidences, let's see if any rise to be an indication of "Enemy Action".

First a little aside to what it was that triggered this post.  

One of my several peccadillos is to post little cryptic quiz questions to a group of my old friends.  This morning, I posted "Which British artist was the top selling artist in the Billboard US charts for 1967?"  The coincidence occurred when one of my friends posted the correct answer just as Lulu was singing the rather wonderful "To Sir, with Love" on my TV.  Now considering the proportion of my life spent watching Lulu on TV is approximately 0.0001% this would prima facie seem an extraordinary 1 in a  million coincidence.  Of course in reality the odds were much higher than this.  Having come across this little Factoid, I not only posted the quiz question, but it aroused my curiosity and accordingly I had streamed the movie a few hours later.  so perhaps the real odds were a much more manageable say 1 in a hundred.  The lesson is that when one sees apparently astronomical odds of an apparent coincidence, it is well worth considering whether there may be some unifying causal factors at play.

So now to the McCann case.  Let's kick off with that cornucopia of coincidences known as the Gorrods.

The Gorrods

As almost everyone knows, the McCanns went on their jolly to Luz with three other couples David and Fiona Payne and Fiona's mother Dianne Webster, Matthew Oldfield and partner Rachael Oldfield (nee Mampilly), Russell O'Brien and partner Jane Tanner.  Those of you who have studied the case in any depth will also be aware that there was potentially a 5th couple who are almost never mentioned in the Mainstream Media.

[Exeter, date of Holiday, Room 5 c, last text, sailing]

(Murat, Tanner, ROB, Gorods Exeter)

Blair/Brown/Cameron/May  -  Wade

CB  -  Amaral description

Dogs 17  signals

Blood and Cadaverine

Human DNA  -  Maddies

Brown  -  B Leys  police  3  days  later

Redrafting of  Forencisa -  degvree  of  confidence  in absolution..

Amaral  Goes -  Treaty of  Lisob

Buttons  on trousers

Man who  looks  like  Gerry  No  speak

Blue  bag  statement of  Payne

N Irish  connection RIRA , Gamble, Orr,  Gerry  bleached  record  

Murat anmet Gerry no comment



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