How? When? Why?

When asked whether he had anything to do with the disappearance of his daughter, Gerry McCann famously obfuscated and ended up asking three key questions, but How?  When? and Why?  It is  the failure of the rest of us to arrive at a satisfactory, coherent answer to these three questions that has allowed Gerry and Kate McCann to maintain their innocence despite the overwhelming circumstantial evidence that they played a starring role in the disappearance of their daughter Madeleine McCann a few days before her 4th birthday on Thursday 3rd May 2007.

The McCanns have been helped in the defense of their innocence firstly by their uncanny ability to control the narrative even from the first few hours after the disappearance was announced and secondly by almost unprecedented political support from spanning four Prime Ministers and the upper reaches of the UK’s Polity, Judiciary, Police Service and Media.  Though the public at large remains split over the innocence or guilt of the McCanns generally speaking those who take a little time to review the evidence as it really is, rather than rely on that presented through the Mainstream Media typically quickly conclude with a high level of conviction that the McCann’s were indeed guilty of at the very least covering the accidental death of their daughter and pulling off one of the largest frauds in British history.  It is therefore hardly surprising that many ordinary British citizens have concluded that they have been “Jimmy Savilled” yet again by the British Establishment.

In this blog I’ll attempt to review some of what I regard as the most important clues as to what really went on in Luz that week in Spring and see if it possible to develop a coherent theory that accounts for as much of the fact pattern as possible.  The aim is not to provide proof beyond any reasonable doubt but rather merely to build up a plausible account of what might have happened and thus help undermine the McCann’s conjurer’s illusion that their abduction story, preposterous as it is, is the only solution to the mystery.


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