Sleeping Beauties

When one first hears the official narrative spun by the McCann’s one fact for me at least stands out beyond all others.  Sean and Amelie (not yet 2) we are told slept through the whole shebang.  This was noted by the police and by Dianne Webster the mother of Fiona Payne, who, significantly a couple of times in her interviews remarked on how surprising and suspicious it was that the twins could sleep through it all.  Besides all the comings and goings, if one follows the McCann narrative, they would also have had to sleep through someone opening and closing the noisy shutters and not waking up with the rush of cool night air and yet they still don’t wake when they are eventually carried off to sleep in one of the other apartments. 

The other significant issue is that neither the McCanns nor any of their T6 Tapas friends (henceforth T6 + T1) to emphasize the distinction between the 3 couples and the older mother Dianne Webster, seem the least bit concerned that the twins might have been sedated.  Given that 6 of the party were Doctors including Kate McCann and Fiona Payne who actually trained in anesthetics, I think we can know with  high degree of confidence that the twins were sedated by the McCanns and that the T6 but seemingly  not T1 are aware of this and are prepared to keep their mouths shut about the issue. 


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